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jeffBrot is a simple and inefficient mandelbrot generator that uses SDL 2.0. Although it should be quite portable, jeffBrot has only been tested on a few Linux devices.

The Mandelbrot fractal is a mathematical set defined as the points, c, on the complex plane which are unbounded by the iteration:

Mandelbrot Recursion where Initial conditions

The Mandelbrot can be viewed by colouring points on an Argand diagram which fall within the set. Fig.1 is a representation of the Mandelbrot set, where the grey pixels fall within the set. The fractal has infinite detail, regardless of the magnification there is always more to see.

Plot of points within the Mandelbrot set

If the absolute value of Z_n is greater or equal to 2 then c is not in the set. This fact can be used to show if a point is outside the set, but it can be more tricky to be certain if a point is within the set.

A picture of a Mandelbrot.  The colours signifying the speed at which points are discoved to lie outside the set.